Brief Update – July 2013

Headings Bible Project

The Headings Bible AV (KJV) project has been completed and is available in PDF, Docx, Epub and Mobi.

Note: the original project of the Basic Christian Internet Ministry was to create a Commentary KJV Bible. The blog Bible Study (PDF), the blog History Study (PDF) and the just completed Headings Bible (KJV) are all projects that are intended to result in an eventual KJV Commentary Bible. — While compiling the current Headings Bible project, probably because of the originally intended KJV Commentary Bible project, the Headings Bible project actually has some commentary inserted into it. Now the plan is to keep the Headings (KJV) Version with the verse headings and some commentary and to later by commenting book by book to compile an eventual KJV (AV) Commentary Bible. Though in part because the Headings Bible Version is fairly substantial in itself, the Commentary Bible Project is probably going to be delayed at least for a while.

 Holiness Summit 2013 — End Times Summit 2013

During the coming 2013 Fall Feasts of Israel we will be doing the scheduled Holiness Summit and the End Times Summit of 2013.

Fall Feasts of Israel 2013

Wed.  4 – Fri.  6 September 2013 — Rosh Hashanah – Feast of Trumpets
Fri.    13 – Sat. 14 September 2013 — Yom Kippur – Day of Atonement
Wed. 18 – Wed. 25 September 2013 — Sukkot – Feast of Tabernacles
{each Feast is observed at Sunset until Sunset – Jerusalem time}

Note:  For the coming Holiness and End Times Summits (PDF) we are going to continue to use themes where in the 2012 Holiness Summit and the 2012 End Times Summit we used the Temple Wash Basins and the Signposts of Isaiah as themes to guide the many topics of the 2012 Fall Feasts Summits. — The Current Summits are also going to have many introductory topics and will be using themes,  the theme of Lightning (Matthew 24:27) and the theme of Noah’s releasing of clean and unclean birds (Genesis 8:6-8).

The 2013 Holiness Summit and End Times Summit postings are going to be posted early again this year [the 2012 Fall Feast postings were actually posted in March of 2012] and worked on a bit online.

Then because the 2014 Summits are actually a carryover of the 2013 Summits a preview of the 2014 Fall Feast Summits are going to be posted about the same time that the 2013 Summits are posted.

God bless everyone,
David Anson Brown


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